In a way it makes sense.... I mean, when we think of how much we love our children and realize that God loves us exponentially more than that... it does *sort of* give us a picture of God's love for us. But when I hear... "just think how much you want the best for your children... in that same way God wants the best for you". Sounds reasonable.... right?
Well, not really. It does sound reasonable if I'm thinking of how much I love my kids... sure. But then I think of how much my parents love me.... God wants the best for me just like my parents want the best for me... right? Well, I hope not.
My dad is not in my life... he is not in my life by his choice. He does not want to have anything to do with me. I've tried to reconnect and he has no interest. I was not perfect in my relationship with him, for sure. But I love him... he's my dad.... and, yet, he doesn't seem to care about me at all.
How is this like God? I hear over and over from different sources that God's love toward us compares in some way to a parent's love for their child.... wow. I sure hope not. Because my dad left me.
I know God will not leave me. He loves me in a way I cannot fully comprehend... in an unconditional, no matter what, all consuming, indescribable way. I believe His love is such that it's not comparable to the way my father loves me. And I would venture to say that my love for my children doesn't even come close to comparing to God's love for me either.
So, while I do understand why people make this comparison.... I just flat out think it's wrong. I think it minimizes what God's love is. While maybe (for some people) the comparison can give a flash of a snippet of His love.... it still does not compare.
And that makes me feel so incredibly blessed that God loves me.... loves me exponentially more than I love my babies. That feels so impossible... but with God.. all things are possible.
I totally agree! I think it needs to be the other way around. We as parents should be striving to love our kids like God loves our kids. I know for me, I fail, really fail at that every single day! The cool thing is that God gets me going and as long as I am keeping my lines of communication open BOTH ways between God and myself, he works through me to love my kiddos! Now that is amazing love right there!:)