Friday, December 18, 2009


I've just recently reconnected with several people I went to high school with on facebook. I know some people think it's terrible that people communicate via the internet these days rather than in person, but there are several people I've been able to keep up with on facebook that I probably never would have spoken to again otherwise.... so I like it :-)

It got me thinking about who I was and what I was like back then. Wow. So much has changed and so much has happened. I am a totally and completely different person now. There were some fun times and I have some good memories, but I wouldn't go back to high school for anything... no way, no how. Not because of the people I was around back then... they were great! I went to high school with an extremely diverse, extremely fun group of people :-) And the fact that it was a boarding school made things even more interesting (I went to MSMS). The main reason I wouldn't go back is because I was just a messed up kid back then. Fun, happy, and bubbly on the outside, but secretly in turmoil and unhappy on the inside...

But, no more! I'm still fun, happy, and bubbly on the outside... but now my insides match :-) I truly love my life!

And there is one reason and one reason only this is true... and I used to be at a place where I wouldn't be this bold about it... and I'd be afraid people would think I was weird or a fanatic... and so I'd just be all sweet and say that I'm happy cause I've got a great husband or great kids (and I do)... and then I'd just smile and nod and leave it at that... but the one reason I am content and happy and have joy is....

I came face to face with Jesus Christ my Savior, realized my sinfulness, repented, and accepted His forgiveness and His love. God is SO GOOD!

My life isn't perfect, never has been... but it is good... and no matter what my future may hold, no matter what circumstances may come my way... God is in me and is my source of joy!

I'd venture to say there isn't one person who knew me in high school who'd have guessed I'd be a stay at home mom of five kids one day... but I am :-) And I'm good with that :-) Cause I'm a totally different person... and I like the person I am now better!

The road from there to here has been long and full of curves and hills and even crashes, and I'm happy to share all that with anyone who is interested. I'm still on the journey and excited to see where God takes me next :-)

Thank you Jesus!!!

1 comment:

  1. ditto!

    at a party last weekend several people were saying that they know all these messed up people from the math and science school! i will get with you in person b/c i do want to see what you think about their "take" on some of the problems. they had first hand experience with it.
